I was totally surprised to see a flash drive in my mailbox today when I walked with the dogs to get the mail. It seems these past few weeks I haven't really done much except go to stores that I need something from (milk, bread, cereal, or gas.....or dog related items). Who ever thinks about getting something i 'want' like a flash drive?
So I took it as a subtle hint that I needed to put more photos up of the babies :) So thank you Penni. It was very unexpected, but very welcomed! :)
For your enjoyment the pups are 4 weeks old today. They are eating as much as they can eat, three times a day of ground beef heart, raw goats milk, ground chicken backs/necks, ground beef with organ meat, or cottage cheese, or a combo of any of the above.
Below is Mr. Rooster and the black boy who I think could be black brindle. I still don't see 'points' on him, and since I've never had one before, have no idea.

Here is the pack feeding.

The pack is sleeping after an engorging.

Here is the red/sable girl sleeping. Full belly.

Here are the red pups (girl on left, boy on the right) They are getting cuter by the MINUTE!

The red/sables again....oh and that adorable red brindle girl too :)

The tri boy. He sure doesn't look tan pointed any more. I think he just has the bright brindle points. Thoughts?

For as nice as the pups are utilizing the 'yesterday's news' litter pan, they are also making the most of it and its now become multi-faceted as a nap area as well. Oh well....they have the basics down.

I'm still lambing. In the past 72 hours I've had 15 ewes lamb...I think. I have another 25 to go. Before April 7th. I'm crazy. Yes, more than you thought.
awww - they're getting so cute! now you're making me want puppies... poo and pee times a lot... mustn't.... want.... puppies.... :)
Thanks for sharing, Garrett!! :)
Hurray for "aunt" Penni!
I can't tell about the black/tri boy yet. Need better closeups of his face. But the one boy I have thought was a dark brindle from the start.
Beauties, all of them!
And, wow! that sure is alot of lambing!No wonder you have no time.
Hi babies! Thank goodness for Penni. ;-}
THere's something about the litterbox, my puppies (from 3 yrs ago and this group) all like to lay in the litterbox too. :-) I call it the bean bag chair. ha
I love their fat little baby paws! So cute, Garrett. Thanks for sharing.
Very cute pictures! They are adorable!
"Subtle"??? Nothing subtle about that hint, Garrett. We want puppy photos and we want them NOW! Uncle Chase was asking a couple of times a day for pictures of his nieces and nephews. So, there you go!
Oh, I keep forgetting to ask, how do you think you are doing in the fluffy department? I can't remember how old the babies are, but do you think you got all normal coats? Or will Biscuit have some fw-fw-fwuffy friends?
Gotta like Mr. "Bling Bling" tan/brindle? points male.
Today is the 10th and the puppies are growing up and we don't even get to watch. Wah, wah, wah!!!
Little Beaver wants to see the puppies that are growing up at his birth home!!! Please share with us.
And his sister!!!!
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